
What is Justice? chp.24

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Title: What is Justice? chp.24
Author: Elywen(or Amondra on
Game: Dragon Age 2
Characters/pairing: F!Hawke/ Anders.
Disclaimer: Bioware owns Dragon Age universe and its characters. I own Thera...or at least her personality...

Chapter 24: Into the Deep Roads part two

Anders could see the death toll was starting to weigh on Thera. It was weighing on him too. He has found over the years that no matter how much you expect death from a place, it will still sneak up on you and tug at your heart.

Maybe it is a good thing one doesn't get used to death.

Hmm? Justice rose from his depths.

Oh I was just thinking about all the death me and Thera must have seen over the years. She was in the army at Ostagar; yet here we are still letting the death of those we don't know weigh us down.

You think this is a good thing?

Well, it lets us know we are still mortal and most importantly, still capable of feeling. Something people like her and I often lose sight of.

I don't think I understand…

That's okay Justice; I don't expect you to understand everything.

Anders finished packing up his things and went to meet up with everyone else; He noticed some of them standing around, their backs to him and he could hear heated voices that sounded like Varric and Isabela. Anders quickly joined everyone and their 'I can't believe this is happening' faces. However he was more worried about Thera who was stuck between the two fighting. It was clear she was annoyed she was rubbing her temples and had her eyes shut so tightly that the corners had wrinkles.

"I am telling you it's true!" Isabela snapped.

"There is no way! Won't happen!" Varric barked back.

"How would you know?" Isabela pushed.

"I don't believe my eyes or my ears…" Anders said quietly watching the fight.

"I am forced to agree with you mage." Fenris said standing next to him.

"When did it start?"

"Not too long ago. They stormed out of Varric's tent like this." Fenris nodded to Thera. "She got pulled into the middle when she tried to find out what started it." he added.

"So no one has an idea on what is going on with them…."

"Not one."

Bartrand yelled that everyone needed to finish packing up because he wanted to head out soon. Varric and Isabela put their quarrel on hold to pack up their tents. Thera had a smile of relief when she saw Anders standing in front of her. Bethany decided to make herself scarce after what she saw in the tent.

"Sounds like we are going to have our hands full today." Anders said sharing in her smile, as she closed the space between them.

"Don't say it like that." She chuckled "It sounds like we are two parents talking about our kids."

Anders let a laugh of his own escape into the air. "Well aren't we? I don't know how many times I have to heal Isabela, and we all go to you with our problems."


Varric and Isabela kept throwing petty jabs at one another as everyone moved forward. They were almost at the half way point now, and everyone was on edge with excitement. Sadly, to appease Bartrand , Thera found herself between Varric and Isabela. Anders kept listening to everything they were saying trying to get some inkling as to why they were fighting, but he couldn't get anything. Bethany and Merrill were staying close to Fenris in case Thera lost her temper.

Can you do anything to shut them up? Their mocking is driving me mad!

How do you think Thera feels? She is stuck right in the middle.

This is no place to be fighting like children.

I know, you would think with all this resistance with Darkspawn they would just get over it. Which also has me wondering, the Darkspawn I mean. When did they jump up like this? Last time you and me were with the Wardens they had all but disappeared…I wonder what changed…

A good question indeed, but I doubt we will get the answers unless we go back.

….And we can't…

Finally after what seemed like an eternity, thanks to Isabela and Varric's fighting, they made it to the half way point. Anders noted this was getting close to the deepest he had been in the Deep Roads ever. It was making him nervous and it would seem Justice was getting uneasy as well. After this point they couldn't say what to expect.

To make matters worse the scouting party Bartrand sent out ahead of everyone came back to tell him that the way he wanted to take wasn't clear. After a temper tantrum and some men getting knocked around by the angry dwarf he barked for everyone to set up camp.

Anders watched as Thera and Varric talked to Bartrand he was almost positive on what was being said, or more or less what was being demanded of her and the rest of them.

This better pay off for her.

Agreed, the dwarf's brother is rather demanding, considering he got this far thanks to her coin and your maps.

Anders perked up when he heard Thera call out his name, he was right they were the new scouting party. Everyone geared up and was ready to head out when a dwarf ran up to Thera "Are you heading out to look for another path?"

"Why Bohdan?" Varric asked moving up next to Thera.

"My boy went missing, Sandal, he doesn't comprehend danger like us. Please look for him while you are out there!" He pleaded.

"Of course we will look. We will bring him back if we can." Thera said in the most reassuring voice.

"Thank you, thank you!"

"Well let's get moving, it isn't good for us to be sitting out here like this." Fenris said moving forward.

"Well if we come running back screaming, Bartrand will know it was a good idea to stay put."


Anders was thanking the Maker they hadn't run into any Orges so far and they were just dealing with Genlocks for the most part. However Isabela and Varric were still fighting, thankfully they were smart enough to keep it reigned in when they were dealing with Darkspawn, or Thera would have killed them by now.

Anders notice Merrill was acting rather nervous, she was walking closer to him than normal, and her eyes were darting around quickly.

"Merrill, is everything alright?" Anders asked, spooking her a bit.

"Oh I'm fine…okay not really. I don't like it down here. It is so cold and dark…I also don't like the Darkspawn. They claimed the life of the only two friends I ever had." Her eye grew sad, as her mind brought up old, painful memories.

Anders really didn't care for her too much; he hated how naive she was about her blood magic and dealings with the demon; how she wouldn't listen no matter what he said. But seeing her like that, and those eyes of hers they, as Merrill's saying would go 'turn one to jelly', and he was no exception. Anders reached out an arm and pulled her in close to him. Merrill looked up at him in confusion, but didn't say anything; she didn't want to ruin this act of kindness coming from him.

"I know what it's like to lose all your friends and be alone in the world. Don't worry I will get the ones you have here out of this place safe and sound." Anders said sympathetically.

"I care about you too you know." Merrill said quickly.

Anders just smiled and pulled her closer, his arm still around her. "You know Merrill it might be so cold down here to you, if you had shoes with soles…"

"By the Creator's I don't know what I was thinking. You would think with a name like Deep Roads I might have got the hint!" Merrill said laughing at her own folly.

Thera watched the two out of the corner of her eye. She couldn't help but grin like a fool; it was nice to see he had friends outside of her, Varric, and Isabella.

Speaking of Varric and Isabela… Thera thought turning her attention back to the two that were back to bickering.

"Honestly will you two…"

"I think I found the boy." Fenris said cutting Thera off.

After some crumbling steps was Bohdan's boy Sandal, standing among a slew of dead Darkspawn and covered in blood.

"I don't believe it." Bethany whispered.

Thera ran down to him, Anders in tow.

"Are you hurt, do you need healing?" Anders asked looking the boy over.

"Makers breath, did he kill all these Darkspawn all by himself?" Thera asked looking around. Her eyes fell on something that made her heart skip a beat; off to the side was an Orge frozen in place.

"Boom." Sandal said giving Thera an odd looking rune.

"I see and how did you do that?" She points to the Orge.

"Not enchantment." Was all he said before heading back the way they came.

"Smart kid." Varric said somewhat jokingly.

"I don't even know what to say to any of this…" Isabela said looking at the Orge.

"You're telling me." Anders added shaking his head.

"Well let's get moving again." Varric said moving around the Orge. "We don't know if big bad here is going to defrost."

They continued through the roads, with minimal resistance from the Darkspawn, much to everyone's relief. Varric reassured everyone that they should be coming up to a cross in the roads that would let them loop around to get where they want to be.

It feels good to be killing these fiends again.

I don't particularly think it feels good. This is just a reminder of something lost. If I was going to be down here, I should be down here with Elissa, Nate, Sigrun any of them. I would be here with you.

I am here with you though, and Thera is here too. I know it isn't the same; I miss the old times too.

It's not the same anymore. You would be walking next to me, getting angry with my never ending questions, complaining that Pounce is a slave. Not in me always booming about our cause and what I need to do; but you are right at least Thera is here.

Anders moved closer to Thera. It was nice to feel close to someone again, and if he was willing to show his feelings to her she would give them back to him. He would love and be loved back, it wouldn't be one sided. It wouldn't be some roll in the hay. It would be something he never dreamed of having; but it was too late for him now.

Thera started to slow down and let Varric and Isabela take the lead as they bickered about the unknown disagreement and tried to help each other with the map. Bethany and Merill didn't seem to notice her slowing, and Fenris only gave it a quick pause before moving on. Thera stepped off to the side, moving closer to a small lyrium vein popping out of the ground. She had been doing so good resisting the stuff, because she had the potions, but even still the draw to the raw stuff, was something she couldn't have prepared herself for. It was like the mineral was calling out to her; it made her feel weaker with each passing day.

"You said it sings to Justice once. It sings to me too, but mine is tainted I imagine." She said hearing Anders walking up beside her; her eyes not leaving the lyrium, looking at it in rapt.

"Thera…are you doing alright?" Anders whispered into her ear, resting a hand on her shoulder.

Thera smiled absently. "How does he resist it now? The urge to just take over your body and touch it, feel it. To hold the song again…the sweet music it holds."

Tell her it is because I know what it will do to you, but I do long for it.

"He says it is because he knows it will kill me. He also said he still does long for it. It has been hard on him too. I can feel it weighing on me too. I have had to take more lyrium potions too." Anders says resting his chin on the top of Thera's head.

"What is the Fade like? Does it feel anything like lyrium? What is it like for Justice? It must be breath taking for him; he can feel every dimension of the place, unlike you…unlike me. It isn't just a place of dreams and illusions. It's alive and breathing like this place is to you and me. I yearn to feel that." Thera whispered.

"One day I will show you I promise." Anders said into her hair. "Come on let's get going, I don't want to spend any more time here then needed…Varric's brother is making the Darkspawn seem pleasant."

Thera chuckled and let Anders lead her away from weakness.

I wish I could find a way for her to hear it like I do.

I don't know if that would be a good thing for her Justice.

"The cross road we are looking for should be just past this room we are coming up on." Varric said looking at his map.

"Are you sure? I mean granted you being a dwarf gives you some sort of advantage while map reading I am sure." Isabela whined.

"Yes I am sure, and unlike some things I am just as blind to this as anyone else!" He snapped back.

"Both of you shut it and let's go." Thera intervened.

As they all filled in the room, Thera could have sworn she heard something that sounded like a growl.

"Anders, is there Darkspawn nearby?" Thera asked.

"No, you heard that too?"

Thera looked up at the ceiling; she felt her heart stop, and her blood run cold. She couldn't even scream or mouth words. There staring back at her was a dragon.

"Everyone watch out!" Anders screamed looking up to see what Thera was looking at.

The dragon swooped down off its resting place flying just above everyone, sending them to the ground rolling. They all scrambled to their feet as the dragon landed. Everyone got their weapons at the ready.

"Oh sodding hell." Isabela whispered.

"Maker help us." Bethany said almost in a sob.

The dragon's roar resounded in the room, Thera felt herself shaking, but slowly that dark hunger crept up in her, the thirst for battle and blood, fought to win her over, until she succumbed to it. Her mind slipped away and there was only hunger, only desire and rage.

"You will not impede me dragon!" Thera shouted pointing her sword at the dragon before rushing towards it.

Fenris hesitated before following Thera. Varric and the rest who could attack from afar started throwing everything they could at it.

"Oh shit…" Isabela sighed as she took off after Fenris and Thera.

Fear, everyone was running on it, that and the need to survive; except Thera she was moving on sheer bloodlust, she could barely keep her inner Reaver contained. She wasn't alone though, Anders was fighting to keep Justice down as well, who wasn't admitting it, was scared for everyone's survival. Thera, Fenris, and Isabela danced around the dragon's feet, dodging its maw when it tried to catch them in its jaws. All while keeping an eye on its wings and tail. Anders had everyone's weapon enchanted with essence from the Fade, to help them cut through the beast's tough hide.

Thera looked up and saw the dragon start to take a deep breath. Her eyes widened.

"Isabela! Fenris!" She screamed grabbing the two and throwing herself on top of them, sending the three of them to the ground. There wasn't going to be time to run and escape the blast. She closed her eyes tight and waited for the second she was going to be cooked alive.

She felt the heat, but not the fire; slowly opening her eyes she saw Anders and Justice equally in control of their body, and a barrier around them.

"You will not kill us off that easily!" The two bellowed at the dragon. Thera found it terrifying, arousing and inspirational to hear Anders and Justice's voice melt into one.

The shield broke off into small ones around everyone. "Get back in there and push the attack!" Anders and Justice commanded.

Thera felt another surge of blood lust and knew she was back in the game. She, Isabela, and Fenris ran back in. The shield around them stopping most of the dragon's attempts at harming them, making healing easier. Anders and Justice were barely hanging in there. Justice was running solely on his own energy. Merrill had gone through three lyrium potions already and Bethany was on her second. Varric was running low on bolts. This was a nightmare, but Thera was reveling in it.

The dragon turned its attention from the attacker's right at its feet to those farther back, specifically Anders. The dragon unfurled its wings and swept them along its sides to push off Thera and the rest, and started moving towards Anders.

"Oh no you don't!" Isabela grunted jumping to her feet. She chased after the beast and when she felt close enough she jumped stabbing her daggers into its side. She kept digging her daggers into it, yelling obscenities, using her dagger to climb up it.

The dragon finally stopped its charge to Anders and turned its head on Isabela. Isabela started to move when she realized what it was going to do to her; but she wasn't fast enough the dragon caught part of her in its jaws and tossed her into the air. The scream that came from Isabela almost brought everyone to their knees.

Thera's voice cracked. "ISABELA!" Thera charged. Her teeth and nails growing sharp again, her mind numbing to the point there was only the dragon and only her need for blood.

Thera sank her claws and fangs into the dragon's leg. She could feel its life force draining as she drank; roared and tried to kick her off its leg feeling that there was something wrong going on and she wasn't just biting its leg. Thera grunted and pulled away smiling as blood ran down her chin. She used her weight and claws to jump up and land again on the dragon; she felt like she was on fire, like the blood of the demon and dragon were mixing. She was in so much pain, but the pain was what was driving her. She didn't notice that she was picking up speed; her muscles were reacting quicker, her brain was calculating everything better.

"You will pay for that!" Thera screamed at it; raking her claws into its back. The burning sensation was getting worse, she felt like she was cooking in her armor. The dragon and demon's blood were swirling inside her, mixing…merging. Thera could feel unspeakable blood lust rising in her, and there was something else. Amongst her pain she could feel the world shifting, like when she was on lyrium. Something was starting to well up inside her. She couldn't contain what it was; it was so painful all she could do was scream. Her skin cracked open and blood dripped out her eyes flashed red, and there was a thunderous burst of spirit energy; after that Thera feel to the ground, her body barely hanging on to life.


"Isa..Isabela…" Thera moaned.

Anders crawled quickly over to her. He cupped her head in one of his hands, while the other grabbed one of hers and gave it a little squeeze. "Thera, it's okay, Isabela is fine." He said quietly, rubbing her cheek with his thumb.

He watched as her eyes fluttered open. "Anders…" She whispered.

"Yes, I'm here. You need to stop doing this to yourself down here." He smiled as her eyes became more stable and stopped blinking.

"Where am I?"

"My tent… …Bethany wanted to be alone." Anders said slowly. After what they all saw, Bethany didn't even want to walk close to Fenris as he carried her back to the camp.

"…I see." Thera let out a groan in pain as she tried to move. "I feel like my body was almost spilt open." She moaned.

"Thera, do you not remember what happened? You scared us all. Justice didn't even know what to do…he thought you were possessed at first."

Thera looked up at Anders confused, but the more she thought on it, the memories surfaced and so did the lingering pain. Thera's face slowly paled, and her look became somber. She couldn't hide what was happening anymore, she had to tell someone.

"Anders…I need to tell you something, and you need to promise me, you won't breathe a word."

Chapter 24.

Special thanks to :iconmaterfae: or reading it over and fixing small error's for me.

My beta just got out of the hospital and I am giving her a break.

Also this chapter is dedicated to :iconanesor: for giving me the great idea of two companions fighting that people wouldn't think of. ^_^ Though their fighting doesn't play a big role as they are in the Deep Roads, but it made transitioning into chapter 25 real easy.

Link to the other chapters:[link]
© 2011 - 2024 Elywen
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Zarame's avatar
*flips a table*
NO Don't STop There!
*sigh*Drat....well I geuss I'll just have to wait.

Amazing, and I really wonder what those two are fighting about.